Anatomy of a Controller

Anatomy of a Controller

A regular module or main project must dependent on following libraries:

  • Mobiroller.Server.Web.Core
  • Mobiroller.Shared.Models
  • Mobiroller.Shared.Exceptions


  • Each controller must inherit from BaseController from Mobiroller.Server.Web.Core
using Mobiroller.Server.Web.Core.Controllers;

public class MyController : BaseController
  • Each Action must be use ProduceResponseAttribute attribute from Mobiroller.Server.Web.Core:
using Mobiroller.Server.Web.Core.Attributes;
public class MyController : BaseController
    [ProducesResponse(typeof(string[], 200))] // <-- Response Type must be defined with this attribute.
    public IActionResult Get()
        return Ok(new[] { "Value1", "Value2" });